a gOod mE !!


Sunday, July 4, 2010





a HOT meryenda fur a nice afternoon
and fur a cute person
like me ;)

Friday, July 2, 2010


i love the "betty boop T-shirt" at
the mall super ganda heheh



:) luv it

my life

my baby =)

it is one of the few things
make my happy ..:)

the one and only tata of my
world she keeps rocking my entire
world da best

cherrylyn arnibal my
ever best friend my life and my evrything
i think i can't live w/out her :)

study hard madjo "she's my friend also my classmate
she's nice like me
but smtimes she's like a crazy

but i love her



my best cousin ever she is lynn ann esmit
from malaysia